Viper Dan 2 burgundy Micarta

Viper Dan 2 burgundy Micarta

  • expected to be available in July 2020
  • 42a compliant
  • one-handed or two-handed opening
  • everyday use combination of friction folder and slijpoint

The daily companion

With the Model Dan, Viper caused quite a stir when the knife was released in spring 2015. After all, we are dealing with an extraordinary design work by Tommaso Rumici, who is no stranger to the knife world.

The goal of the Dan was to create a knife that can really always and everywhere with you. Not too big, but not too small either - after all, it should be able to take on as many cutting tasks as possible. It was also clear with this goal that due to the legal situation in many European countries a lock would be omitted. For this reason, the Dan was designed so that it can be opened effortlessly with one hand. There are two springs embedded in the handle scales, which (similar to the Zero Tolerance 0230, for example) each press on the blade root with a detent ball and engage there. As a result, the knife can be easily operated one-handed thanks to the small protrusion at the rear end of the blade and no strong back spring is needed. The holding force of the two side springs allows for safe work and the 90-degree stop provides additional protection against accidental closing of the blade.

This is the version with the burl red micarta.


The sheepsfoot blade of the Dan 2 has an incredibly cool look and proves to be extremely versatile thanks to the slightly implied radius. Incidentally, this blade shape was also the designer's original design.

Tommaso Rumici has undoubtedly hit it big with the DAN. The modern design and the versatility of the knife convince all along the line. By the way, the name of the model stands as an abbreviation for Daily Assorted Needs. Originally, the name was intended to be E.D.C. (Every Day Carry) was intended. But since shortly before the IWA (where the knife was presented) Rumici's good friend Danilo Liboi died and the blades were not yet labeled at that time, he changed the name to DAN in his honor without further ado.

Blade length: 7,3
Blade material: rust-resistant
Blade thickness: 3,0
Designer: Tommaso Rumici
Handle Material: Burgundy Micarta
Knife type: Classic pocket knives
Lefthand suitable: Limited suitable
Legal to carry in Germany: Yes
Locking Mechanism: Without locking
Opening: Frontflipper
Overall Length: 18,2

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