DB Blades Brute Amboyna Burl

DB Blades Brute Amboyna Burl

  • Small Fixed
  • Custom Made from Australia
  • Nitro-V steel
  • with Kydex

Small but usefull!

The Brute is a knife that stands out despite its compact size. From a purely visual point of view, the design almost seems a bit chubby. The big eureka moment comes when you take the knife in your hand for the first time and work with it.

The handle of the Brute is made of amboyna burl wood, which you may already know from the furniture or instrument industry. This wood has a soft feel and is super comfortable to hold, even with large hands, thanks to the voluminously designed handle. The trick of this knife is that you can use it in many different grip positions, so precise cutting tasks are no problem. On the back of the blade, you'll find a hollow that allows your thumb to transfer a lot of force to the center of the cutting edge.

The blade is the stainless Nitro-V steel developed in the USA, which offers very good cutting performance thanks to its high content of nitrogen and vanadium and is not dissimilar to the AEB-L. The very high blade has been ground to a very fine finish using a half raised hollow grind, so you're getting a real cutting machine here. The swedge on the back of the blade results in a finely tapered tip, which visually gives the knife that certain something.

The overall package is rounded off by a tight-fitting Kydex and a Birthcard milled from Aluminuim. Each knife is labeled with a running serial number and is handmade by Dominic Binkert in Australia.

Blade length: 6,5
Blade material: Nitro-V-Steel
Blade thickness: 4,5
Designer: Dominic Binkert
Legal to carry in Germany: Yes
Made in: Australia
Overall Length: 15,0
Sheath: Kydex
Weight: 136

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